`logcat` is missing. I hope this counts a valid man page... [https://developer.android.com/tools/help/logcat.html](https://developer.android.com/tools/help/logcat.html)
Oh, nice find! I see that, too using CM11 and with HallMonitor disabled.
I hope I am not only producing noise due to very superficial knowledge... Did you already find ``` #ifdef CONFIG_SENSORS_HALL int gpio_flip_cover; int irq_flip_cover; bool flip_cover; struct delayed_work flip_cover_dwork; #endif...
You might be interested to hear that the `0.0.2a.apk` works relatively well on my [S4 _mini_](http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Serranoltexx_Info) with CM 10.2. "relatively well" means that it works roughly 30% of the time...
I already tried simple things like faster/slower (un-)covering, doing it the dark or bright light, after bootup or longer periods, etc... I am not in hurry, so I will just...
\o/ Wallace, that version is much more reliable. For opening, I am now at a hit rate somewehere in the higher nineties (%). Calmly opening it seems to work always....
Would you mind keeping the binary updated, too? I am a bit reluctant to set up this Eclipse monster...
Ha, the phone call interaction is seriously cool! The screen is very sensitive, totally nice. Finally, I can use the phone without fiddling with the open cover and smearing the...