Viktor Antonov
Viktor Antonov
* **Steam** ( * **Xtra** (com.github.andreyasadchy.xtra) * **Goodline** (info.goodline.mobile2) * **FixPrice** (ru.bestprice.fixprice) * **Grill one** (ru.geo.ppmobile.grillone) * **Eapteka** (ru.getpharma.eapteka) * **Paysphere** (ru.nskes.paysphera) * **SGK** (ru.sibgenco.general) * **Riseup VPN** (se.leap.riseupvpn) *...
> @Vijorich Can you share the app component details for the above apps to verify? > > you can follow below guid to get it. > > > or...
@naveenccmsd Steam ( Steam.svg Goodline (info.goodline.mobile2/info.goodline.mobile2.MainActivity) goodline.svg FixPrice (ru.bestprice.fixprice/ru.bestprice.fixprice.application.root.MainActivity) FixPrice.svg Grill one (ru.geo.ppmobile.grillone/ru.geo.ppmobile.grillone.MainActivity) grillone.svg Eapteka (ru.getpharma.eapteka/ru.getpharma.eapteka.mainscreen.bottom_navigation.MainActivityWithBottomBar) eapteka.svg Paysphere (ru.nskes.paysphera/ru.nskes.paysphera.presentation_v2.screen.activity.main_activity.MainActivity) paysphera.svg SGK (ru.sibgenco.general/ru.sibgenco.general.ui.activity.HomeActivity) skg.svg Riseup VPN (se.leap.riseupvpn/se.leap.bitmaskclient.base.MainActivity) riseup_vpn.svg Mind Tracker (com.fedosov.mindtracker/com.fedosov.mindtracker.MainActivity)...
@Chefski  3/12
@daywalk3r666 Still only 3 of 12 for me in both lawnicons and kvaesito   
> whats your current lawnchair version? because since lawnicons switched to an icon pack, my app won't work with lawnchair launcher.  I have sushi launcher, which was pre...
> That's strange since this should be handled by Android itself. I do remember once having this issue with another app and it got fixed by restarting the device. Can...