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Problem with icons applying
About this discussion
Why do some icons not change even though they are in the icon pack and all links are correct?
- Steam (
- Xtra (com.github.andreyasadchy.xtra)
- Goodline (info.goodline.mobile2)
- FixPrice (ru.bestprice.fixprice)
- Grill one (ru.geo.ppmobile.grillone)
- Eapteka (ru.getpharma.eapteka)
- Paysphere (ru.nskes.paysphera)
- SGK (ru.sibgenco.general)
- Riseup VPN (se.leap.riseupvpn)
- Mind Tracker (com.fedosov.mindtracker) These icons do not apply properly
+1, 1password 8 as well.
@Vijorich Can you share the app component details for the above apps to verify?
you can follow below guid to get it.
or below
For 1password:
<!-- 1Password -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{}" drawable="1password"/>
@jacksonwelsh , Thank you . I have added link for 1password.
@Vijorich Can you share the app component details for the above apps to verify?
you can follow below guid to get it.
or below
@Vijorich I undersnad you were facing issue with icon request app , unfortuanitly it was not owned by lawncher team, we can't fix the issue , without appcomponent details from your mobile we can't fix the icon mapping issue.
Can you try with any other apps and extract the app componenet details ? it should be something like below
<!-- 1Password -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{}" drawable="1password"/>
Alernativy try the below app and select iconsrequest option or candybar dev in from playstore
@naveenccmsd Steam ( Steam.svg Goodline (info.goodline.mobile2/info.goodline.mobile2.MainActivity) goodline.svg FixPrice (ru.bestprice.fixprice/ru.bestprice.fixprice.application.root.MainActivity) FixPrice.svg Grill one (ru.geo.ppmobile.grillone/ru.geo.ppmobile.grillone.MainActivity) grillone.svg Eapteka (ru.getpharma.eapteka/ru.getpharma.eapteka.mainscreen.bottom_navigation.MainActivityWithBottomBar) eapteka.svg Paysphere (ru.nskes.paysphera/ru.nskes.paysphera.presentation_v2.screen.activity.main_activity.MainActivity) paysphera.svg SGK (ru.sibgenco.general/ru.sibgenco.general.ui.activity.HomeActivity) skg.svg Riseup VPN (se.leap.riseupvpn/se.leap.bitmaskclient.base.MainActivity) riseup_vpn.svg Mind Tracker (com.fedosov.mindtracker/com.fedosov.mindtracker.MainActivity) mindtracker.svg RuStore ( rustore.svg Pyaterochka ( pyaterochka.svg Sber mega market (ru.goods.marketplace/ru.goods.marketplace.SingleActivity) sber_mega_market.svg
@Vijorich could you check if all the icons are working as intended now with the latest debug file?
I will check if the activities are right and the right drawable are linked
Test it with this version of lawnchair
If my pull request won't work for you. Try to delete app data, maybe deleting cache is enough?
Works with kvaesitso launcher too.
@Vijorich can you check the last debug apk
Still only 3 of 12 for me in both lawnicons and kvaesito
whats your current lawnchair version? because since lawnicons switched to an icon pack, my app won't work with lawnchair launcher.
whats your current lawnchair version? because since lawnicons switched to an icon pack, my app won't work with lawnchair launcher.
I have sushi launcher, which was pre installed in rom
Then is launcher rated?
Perhaps a caching issue? Does this happen with a different launcher?
Perhaps a caching issue? Does this happen with a different launcher?
Does not seem to do it. I also tried clearing Lawnchair cache (though not Lawnicons).
Seems to be a well-known problem
Is this a Lawnchair issue?
Secure Folder and muPDF are not applying for me.
I suggest installing Lawnchair 14 Beta 2, the latest version of Lawnicons, and let us know if the problem still occurs.