Vidar Løvbrekke Sømme

Results 3 issues of Vidar Løvbrekke Sømme

For the following message: ``` Return-Path: [email protected] Received: from (...) Received: from (...) Received: from (..) X-Virus-Scanned: at (...) X-Spam-Flag: NO X-Spam-Score: -1.899 X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.899 tagged_above=-999 required=4 tests=[BAYES_00=-1.9,...

Currently the server version resolution to choose the schema strategy (and also for SP availability) is a bit naive. As such, mariadb reports version 10.x which are compatible with MySql...

Getting stack overflows today when generating documentation. Seems it was introduces when you moved to using FSharp.Core as a nuget package. Clean checkout for 2a87478f5121930f4fec9b9ca1846fc117a5058e seems to work. Clean checkout...