Vicky Prajapati
Vicky Prajapati
i am not able to find actual problem but i resolved it by adding all icons from IQMediaPickerController/IQMediaCaptureController/IQMediaCaptureController.xcassets to default assets of my project.
I have implemented it like below, **1) IQCaptureSession.m** _Comment below line_ `//@property(nonatomic, readonly) AVCaptureDeviceInput *videoBackCaptureDeviceInput;` _Add below line_ `@synthesize videoBackCaptureDeviceInput = _videoBackCaptureDeviceInput;` **2) IQCaptureSession.h** _Add below line_ `@property(nonatomic, readonly) AVCaptureDeviceInput...
I have checked Universal links not working with apple's LPLinkMetadata.