IQMediaPickerController copied to clipboard
icons are not Visible: Xcode 9/ swift 3
Hii , i have install framework through pod install(pod "IQMediaPickerController"
) . app is build successfully and run but the IQMediaPickerController not showing assest icons of flash/front/rear camera icons etc, though these button are clickable.
//presenting PhotoCamera
let mediaPickerGallery = IQMediaPickerController()
mediaPickerGallery.delegate = self
mediaPickerGallery.captureDevice = IQMediaPickerControllerCameraDevice.rear
var qualityArr = [NSNumber]()
qualityArr.append(NSNumber(value: IQMediaPickerControllerQualityType.typeHigh.rawValue))
qualityArr.append(NSNumber(value: IQMediaPickerControllerQualityType.type1920x1080.rawValue))
mediaPickerGallery.allowedVideoQualities = qualityArr
mediaPickerGallery.allowsPickingMultipleItems = true
mediaPickerGallery.maximumItemCount = 10
mediaPickerGallery.sourceType = IQMediaPickerControllerSourceType.cameraMicrophone
var mediaTypesArr = [NSNumber]()
mediaPickerGallery.mediaTypes = mediaTypesArr
self.present(mediaPickerGallery, animated: true, completion: nil)
And "info" is also returing null even i select any media.
func mediaPickerController(_ controller: IQMediaPickerController, didFinishMediaWithInfo info: [AnyHashable : Any]) {
NIDebug.printLogArg(value: "Info: %@",info)
is there anything i missed ? please help in this
same issue :(
i am not able to find actual problem but i resolved it by adding all icons from IQMediaPickerController/IQMediaCaptureController/IQMediaCaptureController.xcassets to default assets of my project.