
Results 7 comments of Nikolai

> > > Hi srikar8, > > I am also currently looking for an app able to simultaneously run the IMU and the camera on an iPhone X. I didn't...

Hello yaqding! I can't try to use second back camera now. But I think you should change AVCaptureDevice instead of using AVCaptureDeviceDiscoverySession. Check apple documentation: You can try...

Hello pm! 1. Yes, autofocus manually disabled. Reason of doing this is that in many cases we should know camera calibration parameters, but with autofocusing focal length changes. You can...

You can only build this program with Xcode. And XCode is only available on Apple computer. But on Win, you can use a MacOS virtual machine.

If you use quat and translation from ARKit (ARposes.txt) it should be "real". Check output and input formats.

> > > I change the imuFreq, but the fps of imu is not changed. I want to consult you about how to change the fps of imu. Yes, you...

Hi AndreiBarsan! I can see that last PR was merged on 14 Mar 2019. I think you can try send your PR if you still want. In any case it...