Kaixuan Wei
Kaixuan Wei
Any update on this problem? Actually, I find the provided pretrained model is a simplified version of the one described on the paper, since the width parameter is set to...
well, I have used it in another task and achieve better result than VDSR, DnCNN and so on... But, try it for your own risk.
Since we record empirical color bias for different K, you may simply reorganize and sample them considering different K
When you sample a small (large) K, you then sample color bias from empirical distribution formed by those recorded under small (large) K values.
Ok, I just simply answer this question without touching any implementation details. The probability plot can be used to estimate the location and scale parameters of a given distribution. For...
Hi, which camera you used? how did you control the LUX? Btw, pls send me an email with self-introduction (see readme) for further discussion of K calibration
> The distribution of short raw lies on [500, 600] around How many images you used?
> According to the paper, synthetic low-light clean images are from long exposure and divided by low light factors. Is it an appropriate approach or is there any method supporting...
> For the first image, the intensities of images are nonlinear to the irradiance ex, and the nonlinear function f which including some unknown tone-mapping. However, the RAW is proportional...
Yes, please. But, as a reminder, I'm unable to provide more implementation details of our methods beyond the paper