Andy Van Bellinghen
Andy Van Bellinghen
The Bluetooth preferences may be corrupt, delete the Bluetooth preferences and restart. Move these files to the trash /Library/Preferences/ (from your user folder) ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ (This file starts with, and...
The Accessibility menubar item is part of the standard Menubar items configured in JAMF Pro for all users.
Hi Eric. We standardized standard Menubar items for all users. If you want i can exclude you from the policy. Andy On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Erik...
HI Andrew The menubar items added via JAMF policy as we needed to enforce bluetooth conrtols. Were in the the process of resolving this issue so only the Bluetooth menubar...
Yes we changed the menubar policy, so as to ONLY enforce the bluetooth icon. On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 12:33 PM, Andrew Hughey wrote: > It's been over a...
The second warning screen can be confirmed by pressing the return (enter) key on the keyboard.