
Results 314 comments of Vadorequest

I just discovered jest-to-match-shape-of today and was wondering the same thing, would love to see this integrated within jest-extended!

It should be simple enough to deploy it to, a simple re-deploy should suffice. is broken 😕

I had the same issue, I created my own proxy using aws lambda, I query my proxy/connector who fetches the API itself and return results in a csv-friendly way

@krijnsent Would you mind make a PR to integrate your feature within the existing script? Would be much easier to update/reuse.

I've answered your question regarding #145. Regarding git itself, I advise you follow which is the best tutorial I know of, and the one my interns have to go...

😂 I didn't mean it in a belittle way. 😅 No matter how experienced, we all go through that "intern-ish" phase as new tech emerges 😛

@krijnsent Check out to ignore a folder during checkout Basically, the SO answer explains it with the `node_module` folder, you want to use the `archives` folder instead but the...

Note that this doesn't need to be merged to be usable. You can already send a cell reference as 4th parameter and it'll do the trick as well. :)

Glad you got it working, maybe I was wrong, don't remember (2019)