
Results 314 comments of Vadorequest

Awesome! One thing I didn't quite get by watching the video is how to achieve both "per-item" and "batch" mutations. As some operations will need to mutate all elements at...

I figured it out by debugging the code: Added a console.error to pinpoint the erroring message at MessageSet.js ```js static extractPayloadsFromMessageSet (messages) { var messagePayloadSet = []; for (var i...

Nope. I tried it out and don't see any change on the dashboard. I won't use this to store customer's replies.

For me, the installation itself doesn't work. ``` (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés. C:\wamp\www\holdsport>gem install git_stats Fetching: thread_safe-0.3.4.gem (100%) Successfully installed thread_safe-0.3.4 Fetching: tzinfo-1.2.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed tzinfo-1.2.1...

Is there any example/doc about how to use this feature? (multiple events in one HTTP call)

I personally use react-amplitude for Next.js pages, and @amplitude/node for APIs.

Also, the UX on the server isn't great, because you're making either device_id or user_id required, but most of the time I don't know what's the device (it's an API...

Okay, so it looks like it was because the call worked (200 response) but `eventsIngested` was `0`. And this is because of the user/device issue. I had to specify a...

I've fixed it at [`815ff95` (#374)]( But this doesn't seem great, Amplitude now believes all events are related to the same user, which isn't really the case. So I'll rather...

I'd like to know if it's necessary to await the `flush()` on Next.js API endpoints, I believe it is but that'd be great to have a confirmation. 😄