
Results 314 comments of Vadorequest

The best workaround I've found isn't the `--ignore-engines` but simply changing the path for the package in package.json `"dialogflow-fulfillment": "dialogflow/dialogflow-fulfillment-nodejs",` Avoids additional issues.

@myhendry This should have worked too.

No, it won't. That flag basically means you're ignoring the engine check, nothing more. So, even if it's specified in the package that it's not compatible with node 6, then...

Using node 6.10, same issue in this particular case: ``` try { throw 5/0 }catch(e){ console.log('ERROR') StackTrace.fromError(e) .then(console.log); callback(null, failure({ status: false }, e.stack)); } ``` ``` (node:44158) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled...

I honnestly don't remember. Too long ago.

Using Next.js, what tool is available at this time? I've found, but it doesn't support Next.js yet. @ulises-jeremias Are those tools mentioned in compatible with Next.js?

Thanks to @ulises-jeremias we've implemented Recoil Dev Tools with a Next.js project. See PR at: Demo: It's the only solution I've found so far that works well with...

Same issue. Another workaround would be to check if window is defined and do nothing if it's not. ``` if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { } ``` Too bad because...

@dvakatsiienko My solution may not work for you, I figured that I didn't need to bother making typeform work with react, since I wanted to display it at the bottom...

@le-cds Any feedback on this? It's been 8 months since the last update (I hope that student made some progress 😉) Also, I'm not familiar with the complexity inherent to...