**SLADE Version**: 3.1.11 **Operating System**: Mac OSX Mojave 10.14.6 **Issue Details**: When I try to move the playhead to a different part of an audio file I'm listening to, the...
**SLADE Version**: (3.2.4) **Operating System**: (Windows 11) **Issue Details**: I set Slade to be a default program for opening WADS in File Explorer. Recently I had to uninstall an old...
Whenever I try to pack my mod, I end up with the error "Error while building the mod: No access to memory location". The thing is, I was able to...
I was trying to make a PNID directly from the 3DS through NNID settings. When it came time to enter the Email, it said "the domain name of the e-mail...
For some reason, I can't start up the game normally. When I try to start a new game, it gets stuck on a black screen. The game is clearly playable,...