For tests I suggest to use an old light bulb which is a purely resistive load. Or a heater. The zeroes you get might also be just the fact, that...
I support this idea. It would make for cleaner, better readably and maintainable code, at least in my case. I have a code for devices which subscribe to two topics,...
Just to let you know, I'm running in exactly the same problem. And since I'm not a programmer, just barely able to patch together some code, I can't fix this...
I downgraded to version 2.1.2 Now it works again. I'm happy using telnet as debug possibility. I do not need the web functionality. (since I'm working with sonoff devices which...
MQTT uses a client ID to distinguish between different clients. Check the following command: mqttClient.connect(clientID) If you use the same value of clientID on both Node MCU boards, then only...
In the mean time setting maximum charging amps works. You need the most recent version of node-red-contrib-tesla and you need a way to configure the new authentication method with the...
I tested it today. It works with the most recent version of node-red-contrib-tesla. Here is the very minimalistic flow I did: `[{"id":"6d1577b73768837c","type":"inject","z":"4e139d26.c717a4","name":"Charge Amps","props":[{"p":"commandArgs.amt","v":"8","vt":"num"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","x":130,"y":2220,"wires":[["5edb4b8f0e8f20e7"]]},{"id":"5edb4b8f0e8f20e7","type":"tesla-api","z":"4e139d26.c717a4","teslaConfig":"cca88314.8bcf68","command":"setChargingAmps","name":"","vehicleID":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","autoWakeUp":true,"x":320,"y":2220,"wires":[["a6c93a1d65a24ee9"]]},{"id":"a6c93a1d65a24ee9","type":"debug","z":"4e139d26.c717a4","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":490,"y":2220,"wires":[]},{"id":"cca88314.8bcf68","type":"tesla-config","email":"[email protected]"}]`
Since it works now, I close this issue. Many thanks and congratulation to the developer.
I'm still running at node-red 2.1.3, with node-red-contrib-tesla 2.0.0 The system runs on a RaspberryPi with up-to-date SW. The error message starts with tjs.... This looks like an abbreviation of...