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How can i set the charge Limit? (beginner question)
Hi, i got simple tasks working with boolean (0/1)
but how can i do a setchargelimit or sth else. Which Value do the Api need?
Can someone post any example? for example i want to set charge limit to 16A when i press button x
that is my solution: (see photo), but how do i define it right?
The set chargelimit option is not for setting the max. charging amps. The setCharging limit is to set a maximum state of charge for the battery in %. So if you set it to 80, the car will charge to 80%. There is another function to set the maximum charging amps, (called setChargingAmps) but currently that function is not working.
In the mean time setting maximum charging amps works. You need the most recent version of node-red-contrib-tesla and you need a way to configure the new authentication method with the refresh token. Once you have done this, the following flow works for me:
[{"id":"6d1577b73768837c","type":"inject","z":"4e139d26.c717a4","name":"Charge Amps","props":[{"p":"commandArgs.amt","v":"8","vt":"num"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","x":130,"y":2220,"wires":[["5edb4b8f0e8f20e7"]]},{"id":"5edb4b8f0e8f20e7","type":"tesla-api","z":"4e139d26.c717a4","teslaConfig":"cca88314.8bcf68","command":"setChargingAmps","name":"","vehicleID":"780291468967186","autoWakeUp":true,"x":320,"y":2220,"wires":[["a6c93a1d65a24ee9"]]},{"id":"a6c93a1d65a24ee9","type":"debug","z":"4e139d26.c717a4","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":490,"y":2220,"wires":[]},{"id":"cca88314.8bcf68","type":"tesla-config","email":"[email protected]"}]
In the mean time setting maximum charging amps works. You need the most recent version of node-red-contrib-tesla and you need a way to configure the new authentication method with the refresh token. Once you have done this, the following flow works for me:
[{"id":"6d1577b73768837c","type":"inject","z":"4e139d26.c717a4","name":"Charge Amps","props":[{"p":"commandArgs.amt","v":"8","vt":"num"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","x":130,"y":2220,"wires":[["5edb4b8f0e8f20e7"]]},{"id":"5edb4b8f0e8f20e7","type":"tesla-api","z":"4e139d26.c717a4","teslaConfig":"cca88314.8bcf68","command":"setChargingAmps","name":"","vehicleID":"780291468967186","autoWakeUp":true,"x":320,"y":2220,"wires":[["a6c93a1d65a24ee9"]]},{"id":"a6c93a1d65a24ee9","type":"debug","z":"4e139d26.c717a4","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":490,"y":2220,"wires":[]},{"id":"cca88314.8bcf68","type":"tesla-config","email":"[email protected]"}]
I notice that if I change the Amps, for example to 8A (or 5A or 12A), the firts time, my Model 3 sets the charging from 16A to 5A, and the second time I send the command, sets the charging to 0A!!! :(
Someone has the same issue??
commandArgs.amt is incorrect, and/or has changed recently. use commandArgs.amps.
I had the same problem, working perfectly now.
I get a 404 for trying to set the charge amps. Other functions working fine. That's using the commandArgs.amps=10
@marcospg75 i have something simmilar and it drives me nuts, i start with max charging in app then i set the charging amps to 2A and i can see in the app it changes to 5A then i run again and set it to 2A and it's set correct, why i don't know