Uncle Pi
Uncle Pi
Did you run the command `sudo make run`? Try changing to `make run`.
> > Did you run the command `sudo make run`? Try changing to `make run`. > > Well that is one thing I tried, then it gives me this error:...
Same for me. It looks like **self._ssh_password** is a random uuid ``` self._ssh_password = str(uuid.uuid4()) ..... ..... def start_ssh_session(self): # start ssh session at the background self.ssh = pxssh.pxssh() hostname...
Same for me (~~I have even disabled lombok plugin~~ I have even disabled all downloaded plugins). Even using [mapstruct-examples](https://github.com/mapstruct/mapstruct-examples/tree/main/mapstruct-field-mapping) still doesn't work. ### Problems encountered follows. Effective features: 1. Jump...