OpenHands copied to clipboard
make run error
(OpenDevin) timuc@DESKTOP-1TC1K9D:~/OpenDevin$ make run Running the app... Starting backend server... Waiting for the backend to start... /home/timuc/.local/share/virtualenvs/OpenDevin-vZQ1SGmD/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pydantic/_internal/ UserWarning: Field "model_list" has conflict with protected namespace "model".
You may be able to resolve this warning by setting model_config['protected_namespaces'] = ()
/home/timuc/.local/share/virtualenvs/OpenDevin-vZQ1SGmD/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pydantic/_internal/ UserWarning: Field "model_name" has conflict with protected namespace "model".
You may be able to resolve this warning by setting model_config['protected_namespaces'] = ()
/home/timuc/.local/share/virtualenvs/OpenDevin-vZQ1SGmD/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pydantic/_internal/ UserWarning: Field "model_group_alias" has conflict with protected namespace "model".
You may be able to resolve this warning by setting model_config['protected_namespaces'] = ()
/home/timuc/.local/share/virtualenvs/OpenDevin-vZQ1SGmD/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pydantic/_internal/ UserWarning: Field "model_info" has conflict with protected namespace "model".
You may be able to resolve this warning by setting model_config['protected_namespaces'] = ()
/home/timuc/.local/share/virtualenvs/OpenDevin-vZQ1SGmD/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pydantic/_internal/ UserWarning: Field "model_id" has conflict with protected namespace "model".
You may be able to resolve this warning by setting model_config['protected_namespaces'] = ()
INFO: Started server process [73716]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Backend started successfully.
Starting frontend with npm...
[email protected] start vite --port 3001
VITE v5.2.8 ready in 621 ms
➜ Local: http://localhost:3001/ ➜ Network: use --host to expose ➜ press h + enter to show help INFO: - "GET /refresh-files HTTP/1.1" 200 OK INFO: - "GET /messages/total HTTP/1.1" 200 OK INFO: - "GET /configurations HTTP/1.1" 200 OK INFO: - "GET /refresh-files HTTP/1.1" 200 OK INFO: ('', 51632) - "WebSocket /ws?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzaWQiOiIzYmQ1M2VjMC0xNmI4LTQzN2EtYWYzZC0zZGRkMDI1OGRlOWEifQ.lDBqVOFNUIhJ6EBTFkNA3ZTUXHtsJG_8BZTVhHf9Vpk" [accepted] Starting loop_recv for sid: 3bd53ec0-16b8-437a-af3d-3ddd0258de9a, False INFO: connection open 14:12:39 - opendevin:INFO: - Using workspace directory: /home/timuc/OpenDevin/work 14:12:42 - opendevin:ERROR: - Error creating controller. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/server/agent/", line 125, in create_controller self.controller = AgentController( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/controller/", line 86, in init self.command_manager = CommandManager( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/controller/", line 14, in init = DockerInteractive( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/sandbox/", line 139, in init self.start_ssh_session() File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/sandbox/", line 167, in start_ssh_session self.ssh.login(hostname, username, self._ssh_password, port=2222) File "/home/timuc/.local/share/virtualenvs/OpenDevin-vZQ1SGmD/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pexpect/", line 440, in login raise ExceptionPxssh('password refused') pexpect.pxssh.ExceptionPxssh: password refused INFO: - "GET /litellm-models HTTP/1.1" 200 OK INFO: - "GET /litellm-agents HTTP/1.1" 200 OK INFO: - "GET /litellm-models HTTP/1.1" 200 OK INFO: - "GET /litellm-agents HTTP/1.1" 200 OK 14:13:01 - opendevin:INFO: - Using workspace directory: /home/timuc/OpenDevin/work 14:13:05 - opendevin:ERROR: - Error creating controller. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/server/agent/", line 125, in create_controller self.controller = AgentController( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/controller/", line 86, in init self.command_manager = CommandManager( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/controller/", line 14, in init = DockerInteractive( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/sandbox/", line 139, in init self.start_ssh_session() File "/home/timuc/OpenDevin/opendevin/sandbox/", line 167, in start_ssh_session self.ssh.login(hostname, username, self._ssh_password, port=2222) File "/home/timuc/.local/share/virtualenvs/OpenDevin-vZQ1SGmD/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pexpect/", line 440, in login raise ExceptionPxssh('password refused') pexpect.pxssh.ExceptionPxssh: password refused
there is a problem
What operating system are you running?
It looks like a Linux, but it would be good to confirm.
Also please tell what git commit you're running on. It can help to git pull, to make sure it's the latest hotfix.
Same for me. It looks like self._ssh_password is a random uuid
self._ssh_password = str(uuid.uuid4())
def start_ssh_session(self):
# start ssh session at the background
self.ssh = pxssh.pxssh()
hostname = 'localhost'
username = 'opendevin'
self.ssh.login(hostname, username, self._ssh_password, port=2222)
# Fix:
self.ssh.sendline("bind 'set enable-bracketed-paste off'")
# cd to workspace
self.ssh.sendline('cd /workspace')
Same for me. It looks like self._ssh_password is a random uuid
self._ssh_password = str(uuid.uuid4()) ..... ..... def start_ssh_session(self): # start ssh session at the background self.ssh = pxssh.pxssh() hostname = 'localhost' username = 'opendevin' self.ssh.login(hostname, username, self._ssh_password, port=2222) # Fix: self.ssh.sendline("bind 'set enable-bracketed-paste off'") self.ssh.prompt() # cd to workspace self.ssh.sendline('cd /workspace') self.ssh.prompt()
Its also same as me .... I am use MAC M2
operating system linux ubuntu
this is a similar issue to the previous one. try the latest code with this pr . and remember to restart the docker container.
Which one?
@timucindusunur Fixed by : #941 you can now pull the latest changes!
And the full issue is fixed by: 895
I having the same issue, with #941 WSL2+ubuntu
05:51:11 - opendevin:ERROR: - Error creating controller. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/f/1Coding/OpenDevin/opendevin/server/agent/", line 125, in create_controller self.controller = AgentController( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/mnt/f/1Coding/OpenDevin/opendevin/controller/", line 86, in init self.command_manager = CommandManager( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/mnt/f/1Coding/OpenDevin/opendevin/controller/", line 14, in init = DockerInteractive( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/mnt/f/1Coding/OpenDevin/opendevin/sandbox/", line 139, in init self.start_ssh_session() File "/mnt/f/1Coding/OpenDevin/opendevin/sandbox/", line 213, in start_ssh_session self.ssh.login(hostname, username, self._ssh_password, port=2222) File "/home/dxliu/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/opendevin-8axCXPJN-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pexpect/", line 424, in login raise ExceptionPxssh('Could not establish connection to host') pexpect.pxssh.ExceptionPxssh: Could not establish connection to host
docker ps
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES bce3d286af8a "/usr/sbin/sshd -D -…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes sandbox-a802f37d-0483-4d24-ab6d
try to remove the docker container and rebuild make build