Results 7 issues of R.S

**Describe the bug** json process error **To Reproduce** `echo '{"a":[10000000000000007],"b":{"10000000000000007":2}}' | jq` **Expected behavior** **Environment (please complete the following information):** - OS and Version: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS - jq version1.6...

在式18后,原文中有一句话,“从这个式⼦也可以明显看出 w波浪 和 w* 是同号的。” 实际上上面这句话仅在 ![image]( 时成立,**当小于等于时,需要另外考虑** 下面和书中一样只讨论w*>0的情况,负数同理可证 ![image]( 当w波浪>0时,导数为正 当w波浪

I ran MIND 5 times on amazon, and the end result is not ideal. my running cmd is `python3 -u ./src/ --model_type MIND 2>&1 | tee MIND` The summary of...

In your preprocess code, item new remap id start from 1, and 0 for padding item id. But in train.evaluate_full function, `D, I =, topN)`, `I` may contains 0,...

I implemented the MostPopular method myself and tested it on your dataset. On Amazon book, I have the same result as you. On Taobao, I have the same HitRate result...

1. X_hat^u 加上X^u的残差为什么没在论文中提及? 2. C^u_apt 缺少LayerNorm4以及后续多出来的运算? 3. (7)的τ去哪了 4. (3)里面为什么有τ 5. (3)的W3去哪了 6. (5)的LayerNorm3在哪 7. 很多地方加上了position_embedding, 论文为什么不提及? ------------ 1. why is the residual of X_hat^u plus X^u not mentioned in...

In your paper, the threshold is set to {10, 5, 10} for Criteo, Avazu and KDD12 And in your code( AutoInt/Dataprocess/Criteo/ line.33.36), the threshold is 11 There is nothing wrong...