Udit Takkar

Results 223 comments of Udit Takkar

> @keithwillcode @zomars do we have a timeline on when we can get this out? Priority is still only medium, just trying to align with some customer requests. I have...

> I'm getting this error when trying to upload the banner locally in Firefox @zomars can you share what size file you were trying to upload?

@jobenjada did you got any new meeting link after rescheduling?

@dmonn could you share the booking success page url?

@MehulZR any updates on this? Type checks and unit tests are failing

This is the complete error message http://localhost:3000/api/auth/error?error= Invalid `prisma.user.update()` invocation: An operation failed because it depends on one or more records that were required but not found. No 'UserPassword' record...

Fixed:- Username Updation https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/assets/53316345/7c11fe71-81dc-4309-a457-8b968ecc88c4

> > I tried updating this test user "test-example" to "pro" but got a unique constraint error > > No users in this org have this name either Okay let...

@sean-brydon Works fine for me. There is user with 'pro' username in the DB but not in the org https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/assets/53316345/bda95149-37b2-46ed-8b9d-77562d258b72

@keithwillcode we should wait for @zomars or @hariombalhara approval before merging