Results 4 issues of UNICodehORN

Hallo, ich habe das Addon wie beschrieben installiert auf einer pivccu. Auf der Configseite kann ich auch sehen dass die CCU verbunden ist: ![Screenshot from 2021-05-15 18-28-44](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35925904/118371162-904e0780-b5ab-11eb-9dca-56e2d8a4941e.png) Wenn ich im...

### Steps to reproduce 1. Open settings and change locale from (e.g.) en_US to: ![Locale Settings](https://i.ibb.co/0nLqBSH/Unbenannt3.png) 2. Open calendar. ### Expected behaviour Week should start with monday as indicated in...

1 - to develop

Hi, I was about to program a manual way through different rooms in the flat and realized one Action is missing in "__init__.py", I've added: 'backward' : 'backward', in class...


I configured my IDP and followed the instructions given in the Readme section. When I call https://url-of-my-website/saml2/{uuid}/login I see the SSO page of my IDP. After successfully logging in I...