Tyson Barrett
Tyson Barrett
Love the new stuff that keeps coming out here. I'm curious if there are plans to support `mice` (multiple imputation) models in some way. I wouldn't mind thinking through this...
> No current plans, but I'm not sure how this would work. Shouldn't we estimate marginal effects in each of the imputed datasets, and then combine the results using Rubin's...
> Possibly relevant: http://www.haghish.com/statistics/stata-blog/stata-programming/download/mimrgns.html Yeah, definitely relevant.
Right, I think "Order A" makes the most sense. But you are right, that link waved it hands and said it could be cursed in some situations. But I honestly...
Hi @kostadinoff thanks for the suggestions (and sorry about the delay). These are great recommendations to include. Let me give it some thought about how to integrate these properly with...
Hi @tdhock, as I mentioned in #40, I definitely want to integrate these features. The plan is to replicate `tidyr` as close as possible including the names arguments. But my...
By the way, I LOVE that PR for `data.table`!! I don't have time right now to investigate it thoroughly, but the functionality (user-facing) is fantastic and would very easily translate...
Great question. It should be possible using the `` in the `table1()` function. For example: ``` r table1( data, var1, var2, var3, var_names = Hmisc::label( select(data, var1, var2, var3) ))...
Nice! I like this. Thanks for sharing! I may come back to this soon and think about how to implement this in the package, if you don't mind.
Yes, this is something I've been wanting to work on but haven't had the time yet. Your post will help push it toward the top of the priority list. For...