Tyler James Leonhardt

Results 370 comments of Tyler James Leonhardt

Did you make any progress on this one?

Looks like this is no longer reproing 😄 I'm closing it - you know what to do.

Ah. I did this and that worked: ``` function script:gitRemoteBranches { ... } script:gitRemoteBranches ``` Cool - we'll keep it open

This might not be needed if we plan on deprecating 3/4. That said... It might be nice to do this between 5.1 and 6.

Here you go, @bergmeister! 😄 [desktop-3.0-windows.json.zip](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices/files/1865070/desktop-3.0-windows.json.zip)

$psEditor all the things 😄

Whoaa that'd be awesome @SeeminglyScience. Was VSCode not sending click events to PSES? Or rather click events at a particular context?

@daviwil Is this work relevant anymore since PSES ships along with the extension so that people can install the extension on locked down environments?

Looks like this one might be bundled into the whole "support for v3 and v4 or not" debate.