Tyler James Leonhardt

Results 86 issues of Tyler James Leonhardt

Lots of great streamers! It'd be cool if there was a script to follow all of them at once :)

👋 onStartupFinished means that your extension will always activate even when the user has no intension of using CodeSwing. https://github.com/lostintangent/codeswing/blob/3117534267e74aafffcb80a8adb1fae6e1e05ab9/package.json#L29 Is there a reason you have `onStartupFinished`? I'm wondering if...

either on the codeswing.json ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2644648/156839680-87fdaf4b-2142-43bf-8d37-a3e6aa488f10.png) or the folder that contains a codeswing.json ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2644648/156839641-f0dc41a9-8dc5-443a-8f55-6716e65c8706.png)

When you are `onStartupFinished` activated, you activate every single time, even if the user has no intention of using the extension. I don't exclusively work in Gists so all of...

Hello :wave: I'm from the VS Code team. Recently, we have been exploring a security feature we refer to as *Workspace Trust*. This feature is intended to centralize and unify...

- Did you upgrade to latest plugin version? *yes* - Did you upgrade to/compile latest binary? Run shell command `bin/languageclient --version` to get its version number. > languageclient 0.1.144 c33c45dd8384c0a0dfe8e99c558415b5c656d5c8...

This is DRAFT. CI will fail because there's no nuget package on nuget.org! This is the bare minimum work that I would do to adopt the hosted analyzer. It already...

Let's remove all the usages of `dynamic` so we don't have to depend on the `Microsoft.CSharp` nuget package. `dynamic` is very "against the typical rules" anyway.

Up for Grabs

**Describe the bug** When you are `*` activated, you compete with vscode for start up time and as a result, you hurt vscode's startup time in the process. It's better...

area: acquisition / activation

I think the title says it all. Right now, if you open a non-Codespaces project in Codespaces Web, it brings to you to the GitHub 404 page. Instead, it would...
