Tyler James Leonhardt

Results 370 comments of Tyler James Leonhardt

```pwsh $PSDefaultParameterValues["*-GitHub*:AccessToken"] = "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" ``` That should do it too, I guess then.

In any case I've updated https://github.com/microsoft/PowerShellForGitHub/issues/157#issuecomment-631061148

Maybe I'll try to work on: > PAT creation and Secret creation I'll give it a go tomorrow. I might even try to hook in to [Secret Management](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/secret-management-preview-2-release/)

I have more clarity on this... really I want this ported to PowerShell: https://github.com/actions/toolkit

I considered adding support for the Org-level secrets but put that on hold for now: https://developer.github.com/v3/actions/secrets/#list-organization-secrets

So, something I was thinking about... since PowerShellForGitHub exposes `Invoke-GHRestMethod` and `Invoke-GHRestMethodMultipleResult` I was thinking about refactoring this PR to only include: * `Get-GitHubRepositoryPublicKey` - https://developer.github.com/v3/actions/secrets/#get-a-repository-public-key * `Get-GitHubSecretInfo` - https://developer.github.com/v3/actions/secrets/#list-repository-secrets...

Alright I removed those but to write tests I need you to add a couple test secrets to either one of the test repos or to this repo. Let me...

No I don't think org secrets will work. That's a separate API and should be tested in and of itself.

@JustinGrote the problem is that there's no way to retrieve the value of secrets. You can set them and list meta data about them, but you can't get them.