Is it possible to decode the seed of the end and the end itself? In a paper server they seem to use a different structure seed than the overworld. I...
Its just that, when i find a new end city structure the mod does not add bits or show render for it.
Tame a llama. Put chest on llama Server Crash ``` Error executing task on Server java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory.CraftInventory.getInventory()" because the return value of "org.cardboardpowered.impl.inventory.CardboardInventoryView.getTopInventory()" is null at net.minecraft.class_1703.transferTo( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]... ServerCore Version: 1.2.6-1.18.1 Cardboard Version: 47 (horses have issues btw) icommon version: 41-1.18 launch log and crash: other installed mods: ``` eggofcapitalism-mc1.18.x-2.1+unknown.jar fabric-api-0.44.0+1.18.jar fabric-carpet-1.18-1.4.56+v211130.jar fabric-language-kotlin-1.7.0+kotlin.1.6.0.jar FabricSit-1.7.1.jar iCommon-Fabric-1.18.jar lithium-fabric-mc1.18.1-0.7.6-SNAPSHOT.jar"...
once you have maxed out all your skills you still gain levelz xp, and skill points. being able to do something with these would be pretty cool. Maybe at the...
I cannot disable trigger command. Is it possible to add this? (when i wrote this i had not read that trigger was SUPPOSED to be part of this mod on...
with freecam players can break blocks very far from the players, im not sure but is it possible to detect and prevent this?
the most recent version is not compatible with 1.20.1
I have no idea how complicated it would be to make, but is this mod in the spectrum of being able to automate running low levels of simulated universe? Like...
I was using this program to transfer player files but not the entire world and every player. I understand this was meant for changing coop to mutliplayer worlds but i...