I was doing good following the tutorial until it says to update `screens/LinksScreen.js` which doesn't exist in the tabs template. I went ahead and created the file, but then the...
Really? That would be awesome, this is my repo for how far I got. I put my bash history in the README.MD and used the `--npm` flag. Where it says...
ok, this is the ReadMe, Bash history, and a few screenshots when I started to go off the rails with confusion where I've tried to merge my understanding of the...
> * Or you can use storybook inside a stack navigator separate from the tab navigator of the app so that it would appear full screen @dannyhw I think you...
> `@react-native-community/async-storage` is Deprecated. > devs migrated packages to `@react-native-async-storage/async-storage`. Does that mean this is closed? I was searching the first issue tag..
It's looking good, for the most part... except when I go to the news page, I'm getting an error about not being able to modify the headers. this may be...
Attachment Upload Directory "" is not write-able. I seem to be unable to set the upload directory correctly.
When I go to http://turtlewolf.info/index.php/news or http://turtlewolf.info/news , it indicates I should sign in, eveb though technically I'm am still in the system and can toggle back into it easily.
http://turtlewolf.info/news/article/1 If I go to this url, in the top right corner of the menu bar, it ask me to sign in... even if I've been signed in the whole...
can you tell what I'm doing wrong with the upload directory...? I've had it working on previous installations.