James Turner

Results 175 comments of James Turner

One thing I'm interested in is actually seeing if I could leverage System.Text.Json as the bulk of the serialization logic instead. It would make working with the driver's built-in systems...

While looking into a different issue, I stumbled across the `BsonClassMapSerializationProvider` and `BsonClassMapSerializer` - it is effectively these two classes I'd be replicating but using my entity definition. These classes...

Haven't been able to work on this more yet myself. The first, most important part is identifying how much performance the serializer is currently leaving on the table. Need to...

Hey @GitMeLyK - thanks for raising the issue! The reason you don't see it in the change tracker is that `RemoveRange(Expression predicate)` and `RemoveById(object entityId)` perform operations via "commands" than...

Of note, attempt to support [`$lookup`](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/) through custom LINQ engine. This would effectively add support for basic joins between collections.

The process now will be to add the "low hanging fruit" queries like GroupBy etc, then write translators for GeoNear and Text search. Once done, we remove the pre-stage logic...

Hey @dthk-cogmatix - sorry that this isn't working properly - can you share more of the class and property? If it is something like: ```csharp public class MyClass { public...

Hmmm, I can't seem to recreate the issue you're hitting. This is the test case I was trying with: ```csharp [TestClass] public class InterfacesOnProperties : TestBase { interface IExampleInterface {...

> CSHARP-1907 is EXACTLY the problem and what is happening. Reading through that, I can see your experience with it as well ;) Yep - your issue was familiar as...

Interesting idea. My experience with Entity Framework is actually less than my experience with LINQ-to-SQL but it had a similar function where if a row was changed, it would throw...