James Turner

Results 73 issues of James Turner

Misc/Quickenshtein - https://github.com/Turnerj/Quickenshtein An extremely quick and memory efficient Levenshtein Distance calculator with SIMD and Threading support.

Misc/Infinity Crawler - https://github.com/TurnerSoftware/InfinityCrawler A simple but powerful web crawler library for .NET.

ORM/MongoFramework - https://github.com/TurnerSoftware/MongoFramework An "Entity Framework"-like interface for MongoDB with additional enhancements and features over the official MongoDB driver.

Caching/Cache Tower - https://github.com/TurnerSoftware/CacheTower An efficient multi-layered caching system for .NET. Allows you to stack caching layers like Redis, MongoDB, file system or in-memory on top of each other, allowing...

There is a standard progress interface in .NET called [`IProgress`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.iprogress-1?view=netframework-4.8) which, while a method signature is different, covers the existing interface's type of functionality. It is easier to use this...

Currently you have `ConsoleTextColor` which is used to set colours for the console however it is relatively limiting. For example, with the private constructor, it is impossible to define custom...

- Does overloaded methods break binary compatibility? (Anecdotal experience says yes) _Expand this list with additional, less obvious causes of breaking compatibility_

Based on this tweet: https://mobile.twitter.com/badamczewski01/status/1273759277707132928 **Results** ``` | Method | Runtime | NumberOfCharacters | Mean | Error | StdDev | Ratio | Speedup | Worthiness | RatioSD | Code Size...


A few points: - Diagonal calculation isn't effective with its use of caching vector-sized strings, specifically the target vector which needs to be flipped. It flips it multiple times because...

help wanted

Similar to how damageboy does in their [blog post for sorting](https://bits.houmus.org/2020-02-02/this-goes-to-eleven-pt5), it would be useful to track branch misses etc with the same tool - [`perf`, a program on Linux](https://perf.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Tutorial)....

help wanted