James Turner

Results 175 comments of James Turner

Lots of good thoughts you've provided @dthk-cogmatix ! I'm thinking perhaps something like: Some methods that actually create the session. The implementation behind `IMongoDbSession` basically wraps the `MongoClient`. ```csharp public...

Yeah, that's a fair call having a `IsDisposed` property - I could see that being useful if, for some reason, one couldn't use `using` directly for how they structured their...

With #156 landing which (primarily) flips the whole "heavy DbSet/light context" around, adding session/transaction support becomes easier. That said, reviewing [the latest documentation on MongoDB's site](https://docs.mongodb.com/master/core/transactions/), there are some potential...

Hey @bobbyangers - unfortunately it is currently not supported. That said, some of my original concerns are partially alleviated as [MongoDB versions older than 4.0 have hit EoL](https://www.mongodb.com/support-policy/lifecycles) - if...

Hey @NO1225 - thanks for mentioning this. It is an interesting usecase and would love to know more about it. Is there any more information you could share about it?...

Hey @bobbyangers - MongoFramework actually used to support that back in 2019. I've since [removed that support](https://github.com/TurnerSoftware/MongoFramework/issues/106) as MongoFramework has its own mapping system which is more flexible. What my...

> But about if one wants to implement a functionnality that inherits from `BsonSerializerAttribute` or `BsonDateTimeOptionsAttribute` ? Currently you can't - at least not via those attributes. You can add...

> Sorry for the late response, Yes a way to opt out is perfect for my scenario All good mate! It is the holidays for most of the world, you...

This is what I do in my own application for configuring it: ```csharp var mainContextConnectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("MainContext"); var mainContextMongoUri = new MongoDB.Driver.MongoUrl(mainContextConnectionString); services.AddTransient(s => { var connection = MongoDbConnection.FromUrl(mainContextMongoUri); connection.DiagnosticListener...

While you [can control the collection name](https://github.com/TurnerSoftware/MongoFramework#core-entity-mapping), it is tightly coupled to the type. Internally, types are matched 1-to-1 against an `EntityDefinition` - this is how the mapping system works....