Manu Evans

Results 48 issues of Manu Evans

I installed the plugin, it tried to fetch and build dependent tools. This failed pretty spectacularly. In addition to not working, it also took ages to build! Why wouldn't we...

Many attributes not supported, and the encoding byte (byte immediately after the attribute identifier bytes) is ignored. Fuji generally uses utf-8, data should be converted.

-fPIC is basically a requirement for x64 libs. Consider adding it by default? Otherwise many users will repeat this headache.

The DMD union problem is fixed, this might get closer now...

Resurrected @gchatelet's STL branch

Needs Work
Needs Rebase

Needs Work
Needs Rebase

As a bonus on top of #2442, this re-enables the message that complains if you try and `move` a type with an interior pointer. I'm not even convinced the assert...

Needs Rebase

I can't see -Os anywhere, and also -ggdb is probably adding a lot to the size unnecessarily. glsl_optimizer seems to have a debug/release distinction, building release by default, which produces...

I supply ETargetGLSL_140 to parse and translate, and the resulting shader has '#version 140' at the top, but when I give it to OpenGL it complains: 0(230) : warning C7555:...

hlslLinker.cpp:348 ``` outName = UsesBuiltinAttribStrings(m_Target, m_Options) ? attribString[sem] : "\0"; if ( sem == EAttrSemUnknown || outName[0] == '\0' ) ``` This code crashes. When UsesBuiltinAttribStrings() returns false; outName =...