
Results 6 comments of 庄庭达

@Deephome 四元数里没有指数变换的概念,指数变换是李群李代数的概念。 一个四元数 q = [cos(θ/2), sin(θ/2)*nx, sin(θ/2)*ny, sin(θ/2)*nz],其中旋转轴为n = (nx, ny, nz),旋转角为θ. 当旋转角θ为小量,则cos(θ/2)≈1,sin(θ/2)≈θ/2。即q≈[1,(θ/2)*nx, (θ/2)*ny,(θ/2)*nz ]。

@Deephome 草率了,看来四元数里也有指数变换的概念,谢谢哈

@MichaelGrupp Thanks for your reply. I also run the example of Deutsches Museum bag as said in the EDIT part. There is also an error:`F1229 10:32:34.000000 4231 msg_conversion.cc:135] Check failed:...

@MichaelGrupp Thanks for your reply. But the Deutsches Museum bag is the demo bag provide by cartographer ros [tutorial](https://google-cartographer-ros.readthedocs.io/en/latest/demos.html#id1). It should not have this problem:`F1229 10:32:34.000000 4231 msg_conversion.cc:135] Check failed:...

@irexyc 我尝试分别使用torch2onnx.py和onnx2tensorrt.py转换,转成功了