
Results 10 issues of Topiya

In Ionic 5, Is there a way to keep playing youtube iframe video when we put app in background. Because when app goes to background the iframe video gets paused....

Using Ionic 5, I am trying to create an app with audio-player which can play current audio and on completion of current track it can play next track even if...

Hello, Is there any way to customize below code to get calendar view for datepicker using cordova-plugin-datepicker? ```{ date: new Date(), mode: 'date', androidTheme: this.datePicker.ANDROID_THEMES.THEME_TRADITIONAL }).then( date => console.log('Got...

logo-instagram and logo-youtube is not visible in live website. In localhost, it is visible properly. Please help to solve this issue.

I need a way to render external URL in Ionic 5 app, within the app page not in browser but inside the ion-content. Is this possible using ionic-webview to fulfill...

Can anyone please let me know how to disable forward seek of youtube iframe video using this plugin or YouTube IFrame Player API ?


I have an Ionic 5 app with Audio player which allows user’s to play audio even if the app is in background using Ionic Background mode plugin Above requirement works...

I am trying to integrate AirPlay in Ionic 5 app. While searching for this, I get to know that it is possible using this plugin. But I am not able...

Hello, I want to open .epub and .mobi files using file-opener plugin of Ionic-cordova in iOS app. But while doing this I am getting below error. `can not handle uti`...


I am opening Vimeo video using cordova-plugin-themeablebrowser in ionic 3 app. But I am not getting an option to play video in full screen. Can anyone please provide any solution...