
Results 14 comments of Topiya

@the7erm I have tried with above solution but it not working for youtube iframe.

> So im running a small discord bot called Tinker > I run development on my laptop and production on my raspberry pi. The issue does not seem to occur...

> Changing that node version seemed to solve it all for me @LordFarquhar Thank you for the reply. Can you let me know which version of node and pm2 did...

I am looking for a same thing. Any updates?

I am facing the same issue nd error. But I am not using Firebase. I am using only the Google Cloud Platform. So can anyone please let me know how...

@DanielDimanov Did you get any solution yet? I am facing a same issue.

@mh4ck No, I did not get any solution yet.

@brunochikuji Thanks for the reply. > One solution is to find a new plugin or fork it by applying the fix. Here which fix you are telling me to apply?

> Anyone has got a working solution on getting events on local notifications on this Android 12 local notification I have solved this as below. I have uninstalled `"cordova-plugin-local-notification": "^0.9.0-beta.2"`...