Hou Lin Jie
Hou Lin Jie
Can deconv replace bilinear upsample?
can the LayoutNet reconstruction panoramic image taken by mobile phone?
Is there plans to publish DDAD15M datasets?
Why is same metrices to use resnet50 and regnet1.6gf as backbone with input size 896x1600 get same mAP 0.40?
`def safe_log10(x, eps=1e-10): result = np.where(x > eps, x, -10) np.log10(result, out=result, where=result > 0) return result def safe_log(x, eps=1e-5): return np.log(x+eps) def calculate(gt, pred): if gt.shape[0] == 0: return...
Now, i get a tensor with downsample 16 times and use softmax to classify , How to reproduce the depth value metrices and to parse depth predict reuslt?
`self.depth_channels = int( (self.dbound[1] - self.dbound[0]) / self.dbound[2]) ` 1. why is depth channels setting 'd_bound': [2.0, 58.0, 0.5] to compute channels is 112 ? 2. https://github.com/Megvii-BaseDetection/BEVDepth/blob/main/exps/bev_depth_lss_r50_256x704_128x128_24e.py#L271 Why to multiply...
It's only change to the follow setting? `'cams': [ 'CAM_FRONT', ], 'Ncams': 1,`