
Results 7 issues of Tony-Day

**Bug 表现** 在iOS12.4.9系统,切换主题后,部分页面导航栏标题颜色没改变 **截图** ![20210203115343]( ![IMG_0669]( ![IMG_0670]( **如何重现** 1. 在QMUIConfigurationTemplatePinkRose 里修改导航栏标题颜色 `- (void)applyConfigurationTemplate { [super applyConfigurationTemplate]; QMUICMI.navBarBackgroundImage = [QDUIHelper navigationBarBackgroundImageWithThemeColor:UIColor.qd_tintColor]; QMUICMI.navBarTintColor = [UIColor blackColor]; QMUICMI.navBarTitleColor = [UIColor blackColor]; } `...

device: iPhone XR iOS Version: [iOS 12.3] Xcode Version: [Xcode 10.3] Two iPhone Xr Calls,If both phones use two phone cards, using Mobile Networks ,webrtc will not be able to...

给楼主点个赞,感谢分享。如果能加个方便控制导航栏隐藏、显示的功能就更完美了。类似FDFullscreenPopGesture 的 self.fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden = NO;

device: iPhone XR iOS Version: [iOS 12.3] Xcode Version: [Xcode 10.3] 两台iPhoneXR手机通话,如果两台手机都是双卡双待,webrtc就会很卡甚至连接不上,如果把其中一台的一张卡停掉就没有问题。

device: iPhone XR
iOS Version: [iOS 12.3]
Xcode Version: [Xcode 10.3] Two iPhone Xr Calls,If both phones use two phone cards, using Mobile Networks ,webrtc will not be able to...

- (UITextField *)textField { if (!_textField) { _textField = [[JJCTextField alloc] initWithFrame:self.bounds]; _textField.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; _textField.delegate = self; _textField.textColor = [UIColor clearColor]; _textField.tintColor = [UIColor clearColor]; // _textField.keyboardType =...