
Results 8 issues of cc

皮肤很好看 换个名字的话会更方便搜索和分享

I'm using ROS noetic in a ubuntu docker and I installed the following to successfully run the program. ```bash sudo apt install -y ros-noetic-gmapping ros-noetic-turtlebot3 ros-noetic-turtlebot3-gazebo ros-noetic-dwa-local-planner python3-pip sudo ln...

This is just a simple question regarding the usage of MX expression but I failed to find any answer on the internet :( The example is: ``` from casadi import...

### Description @sjahr WIP PR to solve #2581. Several notes: 1. Modified `allowed_planning_time` directly to change the timeout of each planner 2. Currently the timeout for each planner is naively...

the previous link of paper "BUFFER: Balancing Accuracy, Efficiency, and Generalizability in Point Cloud Registration" is incorrect

Although it's weird to store an empty array in the npz file (I forgot to delete that field :cry:), NPZ.jl will throw an error when it trys to unpack an...

The reason is that torch will use `ninja` to build if it's installed and caused a header path issue. To solve the issue, replacing the line in `third_party/sparse_octree/` and `third_party/sparse_voxels/`...

应更新为: # 编辑 `/etc/apt/sources.list` 文件,删除原文件所有内容,用以下内容取代: deb buster main non-free contrib deb-src buster main non-free contrib # 编辑 `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list` 文件,删除原文件所有内容,用以下内容取代: deb buster main ui