Wolf Van Herreweghe
Wolf Van Herreweghe
You are unable to speak @name at multiple people
Sometimes people are not actively breaking the rules. However are still disturbing the chat experience. I'd be convenient for moderators to have a, time based ban / kick / timeout...
This makes sure that clients who got banned can't just simply change IP ( actually some knowledge required to unban your self)
It has happened before; in a hectic scenario an individual is being banned by mistake. Having a release / unban IP command could fix this issue, without restarting the server
Being able to set a message that's sent in the UsersOnline packet, with some information about the channel, specific to the current channel. With the amount of people asking about...
Having the sidebar open at all times can cause it to hang over messages that are longer then x amount of words
Perhaps adding a secondary client-sided ban, could help people from switching to a different VPN - Exitnode from entering the chat.
https://github.com/AndrewBelt/hack.chat/blob/master/server.js#L308 The user should be notified about the ban before being actually banned
The badClient is not closed on Ban event
A desktop notification to alert you of a message with your nickname. Adding a little bit of styling to the a message with your nick Similar to: **https://github.com/AndrewBelt/hack.chat/issues/28**