Tbh this WebDriverManager isn't a really good solution. It doesn't support ARM (e.g. for Raspberry Pi's) drivers or it's choosing the right version. :(
Hey, whats up with this PR? @CoolMineman @squeek502
This would be awesome! I think sharking is something important but I would just sacrifice it for an initial release. Also I would love to see if the mod works...
Still only 1.2.0 on PlatformIO... :/
I have the exact same issue @tpoechtrager
Yes, this should fix the issue IMO. :)
Bump. It would be nice to be able to select the language. If I have the time I could look into this but I think @mateussouzaweb will be faster.
Awesome! I saw that you did a lot in the last couple of days! Keep it up! :)