Timo Freiberg
Timo Freiberg
Hello :) `register-local` returns `::analyze-failure`, if creating the `localBinding` threw an Exception: https://github.com/ztellman/riddley/blob/master/src/riddley/compiler.clj#L67 I encountered an issue using cloverage (https://github.com/cloverage/cloverage/issues/208) where the user-facing exception was a `ClassCastException` in the Clojure...
Hi and thanks for the helpful library! I was annoyed a few times now by the panic message only showing `(left == right)` instead of my actual arguments to the...
I have to read excel sheets with headers where the header row is not the first row. I currently try to solve this by first using `range.rows().enumerate().find(...)` to get a...
## Expected behavior If the cider-repl-history file is invalid, CIDER should still work. If CIDER could clean up invalid parts automatically, I would prefer that, but if that's impossible (or...
Example: `()` -> shows 0 `char` -> shows 4 `struct Foo { ... }` shows whatever `std::mem::size_of::()` returns
ring-defaults' `wrap-defaults` adds the `ring.middleware.content-type/wrap-content-type` middleware by default (see https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring-defaults/blob/master/src/ring/middleware/defaults.clj#L27 and further occurences of `:content-types`) Muuntaja's `muuntaja.middleware/wrap-format` will silently not do anything when ring's content-type middleware is also present. Is...
This is written from the perspective of CIDER - I assume this still belongs here and not in CIDER If you call `(clojure.main/repl)` in nREPL, the reading and printing is...
When ring's content-type middleware is used and prevents other (explicitly used) content-type middleware, it can be quite hard to debug, especially because it will fail silently. Any ideas on how...