Timo Freiberg
Timo Freiberg
Any interest in this?
Sorry for the delay, yeah I was also talking about that. Interesting that it seems to work as expected when there's a newline at the end - rustfmt removed that...
I'm making an attempt: https://github.com/TimoFreiberg/bultitude/ https://clojars.org/timofreiberg/bultitude
Yeah. This is about usability/ergonomics. Since my header row wasn't the first row, I had to first find the correct row and then skip `n` rows, where `n` was the...
Sorry for the long silence > It is not the case. Do you have an example? I was mistaken, it seems like `Range.rows()` skips empty rows until a nonempty row...
Maybe when the librarification progresses, rust-analyzer and rustc could use the same code?
I would very much like to tackle this, but I definitely want to discuss any non-obvious design decisions with you/Chas/whoever is interested. I'll think about the problem and start looking...
> I had this vague idea over the weekend: if `clojure.main/repl` (or something like that) was dynamic _and_ subrepls author sticked to it to implement other repls then host repls...
Unfortunately I have no idea how it happened.