
Results 6 issues of TimHo0331


Hi, dear L5kit team, May I ask the question that why 'select_agent.py’ use the 'th_distance_av' threshold to mask some of the observed agents? In my understanding, the quality of other...

Very thankful for providing the motion dataset and the code, a big contribution to the community! In SafetyNet, one of the inputs to the policy network is the route, while...

dear authors, thank you very much for releasing the data! I want to find out the driveable area using the vector map provided in the motion dataset? (e.g. to see...


王老师您好,您的书写的非常棒,给人一种醍醐灌顶的感觉! 希望能够增加PPO和SAC的内容,对于我们强化学习初学者真的是难得的学习资料!

Hi, thank you for you code, when I try to impletment the following codes in train.py _# update action model (multiply -1 for gradient ascent) action_loss = -1 * (lambda_target_values.mean())...