
Results 8 comments of TigerStone93

I found a solution. 'gym/envs/registration.py' doesn't have 'max_episode_seconds' attibute. Delete 'max_episode_seconds' from 'random_robots.py' works for me. Maybe this code doesn't pre-checked before upload. My gym version: 17.0.2.

> If you have saved your tiny_dnn in path '/your_folder/tiny_dnn', then do: > g++ -std=c++11 -I/your_folder/tiny_dnn main.cpp -o main > > Have a look at here: > http://tiny-dnn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how_tos/Integrate-with-your-application.html Many thanks...

I double-checked that the `Performance` property cannot initialize the `maxSpeed`, `maxAcceleration`, and `maxDeceleration` on its `Vehicle`.

You can utilize the `simple_vehicle_control` by setting the `simple_vehicle_control` as a module, and activating the visualizer in the `simple_vehicle_control.py`

(In the case that you are complying the ASAM OpenSCENARIO) Maybe the CARLA ScenarioRunner only supports the `"linear"` for `dynamicShape` and the `"distance"` for `dynamicDimension` of `LaneChangeAction` See documents below...

@arjunsk07 Unfortunately, I could not find a solution so I did not use the roadId. Instead, I used the absolute coordinates.

Refer this https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1027553/cuda-setup-and-installation/importerror-libcublas-so-8-0-cannot-open-shared-object-file-no-such-file-or-directory/