Any update? Same issue here. And also `static` is removed. ``` php class A { // prettier-ignore static $test = 1; } ``` becomes ``` php class A { //...
Thank you @czosel Workaround: https://github.com/prettier/plugin-php/issues/1222#issuecomment-924452644
Update: YJIT is unrelated. Defining `RUBYOPT` will trigger this issue.
Workaround: Following settings works correctly: ``` passenger_env_var RUBYOPT "-W0 -rbundler/setup"; ```
6.0.15 works fine. Thank you.
Exemption Request The snapshot should not be changed.
Updated BREAKING CHANGE in description
I wonder this change seems to be a big backward incompatibility. Given: ``` php $foo = ['bar' => 'baz']; ``` ``` blade ``` Before: ``` html ``` After: ``` html...
@ioquatix done.