Jiayu Chen

Results 14 issues of Jiayu Chen

**Background** We hit a similar issue with https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/12403 when trying to add `--host_jvmopt` in our build. The error message looks like this: ``` ERROR: file 'external/remote_java_tools/proguard' is generated by these...


### Description of the problem / feature request: The behavior of `instrumentation_filter` doesn't match the [documentation](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/command-line-reference.html#flag--instrumentation_filter)'s description: `default: "-/javatests[/:],-/test/java[/:]"` For example, here is the result of offline instrumentation test result...


**Background** After applying the latest bazel android studio plugin. We noticed that our IDE build become much slower and we saw ``` Forcing fat_apk_cpu flag to a single cpu architecture...

**Background** We found a regression on bazel kotlin rule where `private typealias` cannot be compiled correctly. This is the PR to repro the issue. **Repro Steps** ``` cd examples/android; bazelisk...

type: bug
component: android
status: open - investigating

I'm trying to add maven local repository under `maven_install` but seems like it doesn't support this currently. What I did is ``` maven_install( name = "mvn", artifacts = [ #...

type: feature request

**Background** Running mobile-install from bazel configuration doesn't work. This issue is regressed from https://github.com/bazelbuild/intellij/pull/1895/commits/12d8faf1cd404840acc9e2f4c1416dade89a05db ![Screenshot from 2021-01-28 17-59-36](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6951238/106221712-fcd6ff00-6192-11eb-8bc5-af5c002cedcd.png) ``` Waiting for target device... Invoking mobile-install... Command: /home/tchen/01_Projects/android/app/bazelisk mobile-install --tool_tag=ijwb:AndroidStudio "--adb_arg=-s...

type: bug
product: Android Studio
type: regression

# Checklist - [x] I have filed an issue about this change and discussed potential changes with the maintainers. - [ ] I have received the approval from the maintainers...

product: Android Studio
product: IntelliJ
cla: yes
topic: testing

**Background** IDE Test Run configuration button doesn't work if android instrumentation test is written in kotlin. The root cause is that `KotlinTestContextProvider` only handles kotlin tests, not android tests, and...

type: bug
lang: kotlin
product: Android Studio
topic: testing

# Checklist - [x] I have filed an issue about this change and discussed potential changes with the maintainers. - [ ] I have received the approval from the maintainers...

lang: kotlin
product: Android Studio
cla: yes
topic: testing

### Description of the bug: _No response_ ### What's the simplest, easiest way to reproduce this bug? Please provide a minimal example if possible. `bazel build //aswb:aswb_bazel_zip --define=ij_product=android-studio-2022.3` on top...

type: bug
product: Android Studio