Mani Chandra
Mani Chandra
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [x] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [ ] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [x] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [ ] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [x] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
Currently the following endpoints are not being used by the dashboard `/user/signin` `/user/verify_email` `/user/invite` New APIs are created for the above APIs which are `/user/v2/signin` `/user/v2/verify_email` `/user/invite_multiple` The old APIs...
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [x] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [ ] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
Currently we've made SPT and decision starter APIs. Now we have to integrate SPT into email specific, signin and signup APIs. For backwards compatibility, old version should also need to...
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [x] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [ ] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
Currently we only have V1 user_roles data. These roles are at merchant level. To start supporting profile level dashboard, we should start inserting V2 user_roles which will have profile context...
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [x] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
- Currently there are few APIs in Backend which are not at profile level. For example - Switch merchant. - We have to remove those APIs. - If there is...