Theo Oliveira
Theo Oliveira
Idid a fresh install in a Kde Neon and this issue show up. I've try to reinstall but it continued. After a while, I tried to change to xp and...
Still not running. It doesnt show the bugsplat but runs the new small riot game loading and then nothing. I will try to post the log
Well, My notebook is Samsung 8gb ram and video card 2gb. core i7 so that's not the problem. but I haven't check this workaround. is it here, somewhere?
I recorded a loom for that. I didn't find another word for that. It seems it's for higher resolution (in my case, 1920x0180)
I imagine. Would be the project to translate to Portuguese? I am considering to do it
For me, it seems remove flex attribute worked @dominikpegler
Probably something related to browser rendering issues towards flex
that didn't work for me. Using node 19.0.0, typescript and puppeteer ^21.9.0
See if that helps guys, one thing i'd like to point it out. The dev took his time to develop this we should come not asking and demanding features but...
> I just realized I forgot to add `@react-native-google-signin/google-signin` in the `plugins` in `app.json` file. Will create a new build right now and see what happens tomorrow after some users...