The Dagger has true strike. Also most spells usually ignore evasion, regardless of damage type.
> The description said Physical yes. When you use hoodwink acorn shot against butterfly enemy hero they get miss and its damage is also physical. So I though PA physical...
> not a bug. > > dawnbreaker shard states "gains MAGIC immunity", which does not dispels. while spirit breaker shard states "grants SPELL immunity", which dispels like BKB. > The...
Movement speed buffs/debuffs stack additively, not multiplicatively, which is why your maths is off. Getting +25% ms buff and then getting hit by a 25% ms slow will give you...
This is intended, as it is just how Hook was coded. Hook has 2 different (continuous) forced movement components coded into it, the actual pull and the final teleport once...
Nullifier doesnt pierce Debuff Immunity and thus doesnt purge a target, if it is debuff immune. But SD ult pierces Debuff Immunity, hence it can purge a debuff immune unit...
This is intended. Forced movement gets overridden by other sources of forced movement, and Vacuum pierces invulnerability.
I can replicate this issue. Toggling the last 2 options in Recovery Menu -> Configurations does nothing at all. Various other options above it are "off by one" and instead...