
Results 74 issues of TheYellowArchitect

Currently, as long both players are in the same level, they can join each other. However, Level Editor is problematic for a simple reason. Because what if a player has...

level editor

1. When an enemy dies, he doesnt move while dying. This part should run locally, once death is detected (aka override client restrictions, see desynced client) 2. While desynced, killing...

enemy ai
low priority

When you cast "up" while desynchronized, pillar shows only on you. That is a good thing. However, on resynchronization, I kill all pillars, otherwise real desync would happen. Ideally, on...


Luckily, this is mechanically irrelevant and cannot lead to desyncs, as its purely visual, and on the first movement, the facing IS synchronized. However, it would be ideal to have...

low priority

Sharing levels is as important as making them. Currently, you only play levels made by your friends. But the best would be for someone to make a level, and its...

level editor
high priority

While you are dying, if you click the "Stop" button (the opposite of "Play" button), the monsters keep playing normally instead of stopping. But even worse, the monsters duplicate in...

level editor
enemy ai

When you die, there should be a "visual aide" spawning where it marks your death. Think of bloodstain in Dark Souls, or super mario maker's crossX spam.

level editor
low priority

Clearing a level is not the victory reward by itself. It is also how fast you finished it. For a game like Double Damnation, speed is vital. So, comparing with...

level editor

Currently, when you clear a level, you feel nothing. It is half-assed. What happens is just play mode toggles. Even the victory pose gets overriden. No victory fanfare. It feels...

level editor
low priority

Circle should be spinning on pause/stopped mode. Otherwise it seems weird, out of place. Especially when there is so little reaction/feedback on hovering it, or clicking it. Optimally, it would...

level editor
low priority