Edward Z

Results 9 issues of Edward Z

Hello, I have met a version conflict and unable to manage it. (I am not quite familiar with the pytorch-lightning) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24605645/128200303-3f837dc9-a3ef-45ab-be2c-8f8563f9c480.png) This expression here seems to have been deprecated in...

### Verify steps - [X] 如果你可以自己 debug 并解决的话,提交 PR 吧 Is this something you can **debug and fix**? Send a pull request! Bug fixes and documentation fixes are welcome. -...


将输出类别个数等于label数 _Originally posted by @daonna in https://github.com/649453932/Bert-Chinese-Text-Classification-Pytorch/issues/17#issuecomment-569576271_ 我这边也是类似问题,但是就是主要在于class中放了22行,并且也是0-21数label,但是报错

I am trying to use vqa on a task to extract information from text-riched image. The thing is that in the cases that answer is too long the model would...

the trainer cannot do the truncation by default ``` [/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ofasys/adaptor/general.py](https://rv8u4ubipi-496ff2e9c6d22116-0-colab.googleusercontent.com/outputframe.html?vrz=colab-20230307-060233-RC01_514758488#) in concat(self, modality_outputs) 275 end_pos = start_pos + seq_length 276 if modality_output.self_attn_bias[idx] is not None: --> 277 self_attn_bias[:, :, start_pos:end_pos,...

``` bash --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) [](https://yucuju2ns5m-496ff2e9c6d22116-0-colab.googleusercontent.com/outputframe.html?vrz=colab-20230307-060233-RC01_514758488#) in 1 from ofasys import Task, Trainer, GeneralistModel ----> 2 task1 = Task( 3 name='caption', 4 instruction='[IMAGE:image_url] what does the...

AttributeError: 'GeneralistModel' object has no attribute 'active_executor'

after downloading and using the mvn clean molvec, the system prints the error as follows: ``` Downloaded from central: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/3.1.1/maven-javadoc-plugin-3.1.1.jar (481 kB at 465 kB/s) [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE...

the result prints only the major stuff within, can this be transformed into the SMILES expression?