clash copied to clipboard
Verify steps
- [X] 如果你可以自己 debug 并解决的话,提交 PR 吧 Is this something you can debug and fix? Send a pull request! Bug fixes and documentation fixes are welcome.
- [X] 我已经在 Issue Tracker 中找过我要提出的问题 I have searched on the issue tracker for a related issue.
- [X] 我已经使用 dev 分支版本测试过,问题依旧存在 I have tested using the dev branch, and the issue still exists.
- [X] 我已经仔细看过 Documentation 并无法自行解决问题 I have read the documentation and was unable to solve the issue.
- [X] 这是 Clash 核心的问题,并非我所使用的 Clash 衍生版本(如 OpenClash、KoolClash 等)的特定问题 This is an issue of the Clash core per se, not to the derivatives of Clash, like OpenClash or KoolClash.
Clash version
brew installed and latest
What OS are you seeing the problem on?
Clash config
mixed: 7890
Clash log
No response
unable to access the